Sunday, February 26, 2006

i love beer

yoyo, not much to update for ya'll.

this week has been much better than last, hardly any homesickness and lots of boozeing, we go to this pub/bar called mulligans on mon nite and you pay $5 to get in and then beers are only .50c, so you can imagine how excited juju got and was buying 4 beers at a time and yes i got quite positively trashed it was great, then on the way home in our drunken state we thought it would be a fun idea to try climb this big metal iron structure thing which was covered in ice and and frosty shit. so we were having a funny time thinking we were so cool climbing this thing and taking photos and because i was drunk i didnt realize i was getting frostbite on my fingers haha oh how invinsible we are when drunk, then we finished our nite by stealing the lids of the rubbish bins down the street, using them as sleds and sliding down a hill, was o so fun, unlike work the next day looking after screaming shits with frostbite on my fingers, but thats another story and unfortunately i dont have any more time to write cause we are having a party tonight and i gota go start drinking. hope you all had a rowdy wkend. laters


  • At 2:11 PM, Blogger Kiwi Cows said…

    50 cents!


  • At 2:28 PM, Blogger Tania Hennessy said…

    50cents for a beer! What a bargan!

    Sounds like you hit the box hard. Did snot come out your nose? You know you have fallen hard when snot comes out! Boxes are evil, yet for some reason I can't get enough of them. Perhaps cos so far I have only managed a 50/50 over them. 06 will be the year of boardslides!

  • At 5:17 PM, Blogger Ju said…

    your doing better than me then cause i havnt attempted a 50/50 yet i just ride on over them, next week i will start trying more shit on them, unfortunately dont remember if i did a snot rocket when i crashed.

  • At 9:42 AM, Blogger Tania Hennessy said…

    Snot rocket! Haha
    Riding over them straight is a 50/50 - but most of the time I just fall off the side of them. Not cool
    Get some hot dude over there to teach you a boardslide and then you can show me how it's done this winter!

  • At 3:49 AM, Blogger Kim said…

    I can't believe that you got frost bite. I thought you have to get your fingers and toes cut off when you get it - maybe yours isn't that extreme but boy must be painful. So cool about 50cent beers - mmmmmmm beer

  • At 5:22 PM, Blogger Ju said…

    yeah no it wasnt major frostbite. when you get that your fingers go all black and dead. mine went red and blistered, its kinda like real bad sunburn.


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