Tuesday, June 27, 2006

HEY, sorry im a horrible horrible cow i know, i have been way too busy at work yesterday was my fisrt day off since i moved out here, we have soooooooooo much snow and not enough staff so we have just been working working working which is good for money, but not so good for snowboarding and socalizing ....BUT .... we now have more staff and so ju will hopefully have at least one day off a week.

kim i do have a drinking bike, such a drinking bike it is, that it even has wine corks dangling off the basket and a wobbly bent front wheel from falling off it so many times, its painted like a zebra also, think i will take a photo and blog it for you.

anyway i heard a rumour from tania the other day in the mt hutt carpark whilst eating a cold roast potato for breakfast that tania bought me all the way from her mums oven in christchurch (i love you tania) that CW might be engaged so im heading towards her blog now.

LOVE YOU ALLLLLLLLLL HEAPS AND HEAPS. jo hope your arse wasnt too sore after you day up there, you rock.

will blog next week with photos (the methven email shop has very flash fast computers) BYE


  • At 7:39 PM, Blogger Kim said…

    Yah for an update!!! Ha thats so funny that you were pulled into the whole engagement joke as well, what I would of paid to listen into that convo in the Mt Hutt carpark.
    Ju you have to post a pic of your drinkin bike! I think everyone should have one don't you think, no drunk drivers (that could hurt people), good for the environment e.t.c.

  • At 3:54 PM, Blogger Tania Hennessy said…

    Your bike is super cool Ju! I will have to go for a hoon on it next time I'm in Methven

    The Mt Hutt carpark just wasn't the same on Monday without your smiling face Ju!

  • At 6:39 PM, Blogger Erin said…

    Yah Julia! You're back!
    Our latest drinking rampages haven't been the same without you chica, none of my appliances have been broken lately!

  • At 8:54 PM, Blogger Kiwi Cows said…

    an update! finally, althou i didnt see any comments from u on my blog (tear).
    hope u can get sat/ sun off for kats going away party and siobhan back and me back for the weekend on sat 28th july!!!! get it off!!!!
    cant wait to c pic of the drinking bike!
    miss u and blenhimer ( a medium white wine)
    xx slash

  • At 8:18 AM, Blogger Matea said…

    Hi from Canada Ju. Hope all is going well in Hutt and drop me a line if your after a postcard...

  • At 2:15 PM, Blogger Katya said…

    Yeah I'd love you to make it for our party - Sat July 29th!

  • At 7:26 AM, Blogger Kiwi Cows said…

    a drinking bike with corks on it, haha im picturing it like an auzzie hat you know...picture! picture!

  • At 11:50 AM, Blogger Unknown said…

    you have no like... i think your fuckin ugly by the way. and your not funny


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